Baker’s Day Blues

By September 7, 2018Nutrition

When I arrived to fetch my eldest daughter from school she had the words “sweet” written down her arm. She had been chosen as the baker for Baker’s Day this Friday and she needed to bake something “Sweet”. Baker’s Day isn’t something that really excites me because of the sugar and processed wheat that as much as we as a family try dodge during the week, we can’t escape the Baker’s Day weekly Friday dosing. Anyway, our mission now was to make something that would pass the taste tests of 24 little people and not blow their blood chemistry in the process.

The decision was simple and chocolate chip cookies were the choice although without the usual sugar and wheat trappings…

The next choice was also simple, we’d use the Perfect Paleo Choc Chip Cookie recipe from Texanerin, google them or mail me for the full recipe. In reality, keeping your kids away from chocolate chip cookies isn’t going to happen so when it does happen I’d rather it be with as little insult to their gut as possible and with only the slightest of blood sugar surges. With an easy 15 min prep time and 15 min cook time, it’s a no brainer to try this much healthier option. A cup of almond flour and a quarter cup of coconut flour gets you around the wheat issue, coconut oil replaces butter (although grass fed organic butter is perfectly fine), coconut sugar replaces regular white sugar and reduces the glycemic index by a massive 50%! Almond butter adds healthy fats and the egg and organic dark chocolate chips to finish it off.

It’s a struggle to eat clean and avoid all the bad stuff but these days it’s not that difficult to avoid the real trash. A few years ago you couldn’t find coconut flour on the shelves and now it’s everywhere. With the ever-growing body of evidence against wheat and refined sugar as part of our regular diet its almost ignorant not to pay attention.

It’s the things you ingest most frequently that shape you.  

Dr. Peter J Solomon

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